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Enhancing Oral Hygiene with Ayurveda


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Ayurveda stresses that developing a consistent daily routine is the foundation of health and longevity, and offers a tremendous platter of self-care practices that we can experiment with over time. Keep in mind, we don’t need to do all of these practices in order to be healthy. As part of our 28 Day Reset immersive program, we will highlight the most important practices and show you how to implement the ones that make the most sense for your lifestyle. 

An essential part of any daily routine, however, is oral hygiene. Here are some of the most useful practices that are simple, effective, and easy to implement. 

1. Tongue scraping

In Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, the tongue is considered a microcosm of the body. In fact, many diseases can be diagnosed through careful observation of the tongue. Try taking a look at your tongue in the morning. If you ate dinner or dessert after 8 PM, or are constipated, you might notice a white coat over the back of your tongue. This indicates toxins in the colon. 

Take a copper or stainless steel scraper and run it very gently over the tongue, only from back-to-front, only in the morning, and only 7 times. The purpose of this is to remove the coating and dead bacteria, but also it helps to stimulate a bowel movement.

2. Ayurvedic toothpaste & mouthwash

Check out an ayurvedic toothpaste and mouthwash that contains Neem and Peelu, which are called ‘toothbrush trees' in Ayurveda. These herbs have natural antimicrobial properties and can greatly benefit your oral microbiome. 

3. Tooth powder

Another traditional practice is to brush your teeth with a tooth powder that contains several herbs as well as activated charcoal. After you finish brushing, swish the thin, gray liquid around your mouth for a few minutes then rinse your mouth. Essentially, it functions as both a toothpaste and a mouthwash. Tooth powder removes stains and impressively whitens the teeth.

4. Oil pulling

Oil pulling is a practice in which we swish coconut or sesame oil around the mouth for 5 - 20 minutes. When we swish the oil vigorously, it cleans the spaces between our teeth like flossing, but also penetrates deeply into the gums. This is incredibly hygienic and also has a profound benefit on our oral microbiome. Unlike the products listed above, do NOT spit the coconut or sesame oil down the sink as it can clog your drains. Spit it into the trash can. You can use a medicated oil pulling product for a stronger effect. 

In summary, you do not need to do all of these practices in order to have fantastic oral hygiene. I recommend trying out all of these practices over time in a relaxed way to see which ones are a good fit for you. Whatever routine you decide upon, stick with it consistently in the morning and the evening to see maximum benefit. 

Photo by AndreyPopov

Disclaimer: The content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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