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Boost your Energy and Productivity: The Power of Syncing Your Calendar with Your Body Clock

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5 minute read


In our fast-paced modern world, productivity has become a prized attribute. We all strive to achieve more within the constraints of time. However, have you ever considered that something as simple as aligning your calendar with your body clock could impact your productivity? Today, we will delve into the fascinating relationship between our natural body rhythms and productivity from the perspective of cutting-edge western medicine and ancient Eastern medicine.  In the end, you will have three simple steps you can take toward a more productive and energetic day.

Understanding our Body Clock

Our bodies are designed to follow a natural rhythm known as our circadian rhythm. This internal clock dictates when we feel tired or alert and regulates bodily functions such as digestion, hormone production, and metabolism. When we work against our body and this internal clock, the day simply drags on. It feels like we are swimming upstream. On the other hand, if we align our work schedules with our body clock, we can tap into our natural peaks and valleys of energy, enhancing our productivity in the process. It's all about working smarter, not harder.

Latest Research on Chronobiology

The science of chronobiology, which studies the effects of time on biological events, has advanced significantly in recent years. Cutting-edge research is continuously unveiling the profound influence of our circadian rhythm on our health and productivity. For instance, a recent study published in the journal Scientific Reports reveals that individuals who align their activities with their body's internal clock tend to have healthier patterns of cortisol, the stress hormone. Another groundbreaking study in the Journal of Biological Rhythms suggests that 'night owls' - people naturally inclined to stay up late - may experience decreased productivity when forced to conform to traditional 9-to-5 work schedules. These are just a few glimpses into the exciting world of chronobiology, demonstrating that syncing our lifestyle with our body clock isn't just for textbooks - it's a science-backed strategy for optimal health and productivity.

Eastern Medicine Perspective on Internal Body Clock

Chronobiology might the buzz world in the scientific community now, but the concept of hacking our internal body clock to optimize our health and productivity is as old as time itself.  In the realm of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic medicine, the day is divided into distinct segments where specific organ systems or meridians are considered more active. This knowledge guides the ideal timing for various activities, including eating, sleeping, working, relaxation, and even having sex.

For example in TCM, between 5-7am your large intestine meridian is active. So this is the perfect time to wake up and have a bowel movement. After than from 7 -9 your stomach meridian is most active, its time for some oatmeal or avocado toast. Right after that its spleen meridian's turn to be in the limelight. It is responsible for converting our breakfast into energy. Hence this time between 9 -11 is your peak energy time.

According to Ayurveda, this is also when your pitta dosha is active, enhancing your concentration and productivity. This holistic understanding of our daily rhythms underscores the importance of tailoring our lifestyle choices to our body clock for optimal health and wellbeing—a principle both ancient and modern medical systems can agree upon.

Practical Tips

Now that we know what we need to do, lets figure out how to optimize your day for peak productivity. 

Syncing your calendar with your body clock offers numerous benefits. By identifying your personal peak performance hours, you can schedule your most challenging and important tasks during these times. This allows you to capitalize on your natural alertness and focus, leading to greater efficiency and better outcomes. Similarly, when you understand your low-energy periods, you can plan lighter tasks or take short breaks to recharge, maintaining a steady level of productivity throughout the day.

The Role of Sleep and Rest in Performance

It's no secret that quality sleep is essential for overall well-being. However, it also plays a crucial role in productivity. A good night's sleep helps restore our energy levels, enhances cognitive function, and improves concentration and memory. You can optimize your performance during waking hours by prioritizing restful sleep and practicing good sleep hygiene, such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine.

Meal Timing and Energy Levels

The timing of meals can significantly impact our energy levels and, consequently, our productivity. Fueling your body with the right nutrients at the right time can provide a steady stream of energy throughout the day. Aim for balanced meals that include protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Additionally, consider incorporating small, nutritious snacks to sustain your energy levels between meals. By nourishing your body appropriately, you can avoid energy crashes and maintain consistent productivity.

Practical Tips for Optimizing Productivity

To further enhance your productivity, consider implementing practical strategies such as time-blocking techniques, prioritization methods, and managing distractions. Time-blocking allows you to allocate specific time slots for different tasks, ensuring focused work and avoiding multitasking. Prioritization helps you identify and tackle the most important tasks first, preventing overwhelm and increasing efficiency. Finally, managing distractions, such as turning off notifications or creating a dedicated workspace, can help maintain your focus and concentration.


In a world that values productivity, it's crucial to understand the power of syncing your calendar with your body clock. By aligning your work schedules with your natural rhythms, prioritizing quality sleep, maintaining a balanced diet, and implementing practical productivity strategies, you can optimize your performance and achieve your goals. Remember, productivity is not just about working harder; it's about working smarter. Embrace the power of syncing your calendar with your body clock, and unlock your true potential.

Take charge of your productivity and let your body's natural rhythms guide you on the path to success.


Disclaimer: The content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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