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Triphala: A Gentle, Rejuvenating Laxative


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Triphala is an incredibly safe and effective herbal medicine. In fact, I would say it is the herbal formula that I use most often, with my patients, and for my own health!

Triphala, or tri-phala means “three fruits,” and is a blend of three berries: Amla, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. This herbal formulation is known for its diverse uses in our bodies and is particularly celebrated for its gentle laxative qualities.

Not just a laxative

Western laxatives like Miralax merely aid in moving things along the colon without contributing to its nutrition or rejuvenation. In Ayurveda, the concept of rejuvenation is paramount whenever detoxification is involved. By gently cleaning and regenerating tissues, it ensures that we avoid the detrimental consequences of excessive cleansing and detoxing without restoration.

What makes Triphala extra special is its classification as a medicinal food, and its Tridoshic qualities. In Ayurvedic terms, Tridoshic means it's beneficial for all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), making it suitable for nearly everyone. Whether you're experiencing constipation, sluggish digestion, or bloating, Triphala can be a great help. However, those with tendencies towards looser stools or diarrhea might want to avoid this herb due to its mild laxative effects.

Typical dosing

Typically, I recommend taking Triphala (in tablet, capsule, or powder form) in the evening, around 9 p.m. It's worth noting that consuming Triphala doesn't usually interrupt your sleep with restroom visits. Rather, it helps you to have a robust, healthier bowel movement the next morning. Some might notice variations in their stools during the initial days, but that's a good sign the herb is doing its work.

You can use Triphala at any time of the year for a gentle detox, or when you're experiencing digestive irregularities. However, I advise starting with a small dose and gradually increasing it. There's a wide range of brands available out there, but I recommend opting for organic ones produced in the U.S. If you're new to Triphala, starting with one or two tablets before bed should be a good introduction, but you can increase the number as needed. Don’t go beyond 4 tablets (2000 mg) without talking to your healthcare provider.

Powders: stronger detox, but harder to stomach

The way to consume a powder is to mix a teaspoon or so into warm water. For beginners, I would avoid powders altogether. The powders are stronger and trickier to dose properly. The main hesitation that most patients have with powders, however, is simply that they usually taste awful! Interestingly, Ayurveda states that triphala contains 5 of the six tastes (sweet, sour, bitter, pungent, astringent). So it contains all of the tastes except salty. Further, they state that as your body detoxes with triphala, gradually each taste falls away, so that when we are totally cleansed, the herb tastes sweet. However, this takes a long time and a lot of discipline, so usually we experience a very unpleasant taste!

Remember, though subtle, the effects of Triphala are profound and can help you connect better with your own body. To summarize, Triphala is a gentle, rejuvenating laxative that can be consumed almost like a medicinal food. It's safe, filled with fiber, and can be your first step towards better digestion.

Photo by Arundhati Sathe

Disclaimer: The content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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